Gray plastic water tanks

Reducing the Impact of UV Rays on Outdoor Water Tanks

Water storage tanks are now a common feature of industrial and residential properties. This increase in the tank use is primarily driven by the push towards eco-sustainability and the need to conserve natural resources.

There is a range of material options for storage tanks with steel, plastic and concrete as the leading options. But plastic water tanks are your best pick since they are lightweight, inexpensive to maintain, have no risk of leaching of different elements into your water and come in different designs.

Slimline water storage tanks are the best choice for property owners looking for a plastic tank design that takes up minimal space. The primary drawback of plastic water tanks is the effect of UV rays on the material. Most water storage tanks are installed outdoors, and prolonged exposure to UV rays from the sun causes a breakdown of plastic resin elements and consequently a brittle tank. The decreased tank strength leads to microcracks and leaks.

The following are some of the solutions available for minimising the impact of UV rays on your plastic water tank.

Carbon Black Resin

This is an elemental, nearly pure carbon type. It is added during the rotational moulding process of your water tank and acts as a UV light absorber. After absorption, the UV rays are changed into heat and then dissipated throughout your tank. The carbon black resin is inexpensive and simple. Carbon black is also the ideal choice for plastic resin stabilisation in the manufacture of tanks used for the storage of chemicals.


Appropriate UV protection for plastic tanks depends on picking the right paint, proper surface preparation and proper paint application. The ideal paint for plastic water tanks is an acrylic paint since this accommodates expansion and contraction of the plastic resin without cracking. Before painting the tank, its glossy surface is dulled to enhance the paint’s adherence.

Professional painting is the perfect choice for optimal UV protection. An added benefit of painting is it allows you to include your logo on the tank and customise it to match your property.


Man inspecting a plastic water tankAdding a thin insulating layer to the tank’s layer is another solution for UV ray protection. The insulation absorbs heat and UV rays and thus minimises their impact on your plastic resin. Insulation is sometimes used with acrylic paints for enhanced tank protection.

Getting Ideal Cycle Times

The cycle times of your storage tanks refer to the frequency of emptying and filling it. Your tank needs to be emptied once in a while to remove the pressure on your resin. This emptying also minimises the effect of UV rays since the resin is not very stretched and hence minimally exposed to UV rays. Your ideal cycle times depend on the amount of sunshine in your area.

Most property owners opt for materials other than plastic for their water storage tanks owing to the effect of UV rays on the material. Thankfully, you now have the above solutions for this concern. You can now confidently invest in a plastic water tank and leave it outdoors.

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