cracks on concrete

Know the Signs of Decay on Concrete Structures

For many owners of residential or commercial properties, the first signs of concrete cracks and breaks needs immediate attention. Concrete repair is often the top priority when there are signs of decay or problems. Considering how concrete is an integral part of a building’s main structure, it makes sense to address symptoms of damage as soon as possible to prevent disastrous or more costly repairs in the future.

The environment and climate play a part in how strong your concrete paving can be. In cities like Salt Lake City or Kansas City where the seasons and the temperatures can swing from one extreme to the other, how your concrete is laid matters all the more. Improper paving could lead to early signs of decay, and concrete repair experts from Kansas City or Salt Lake City could help you deal with the damage.

Cracks on the Surface

Cracks are excellent indicators not just of damage but also of the place where the damage can be found. For example, cracks on your driveway can mean that the soil underneath is contracting. Cracks on the basement wall can be a problem with your foundation and need more attention. Cracks on the side of a wall or running in the middle could also interpret different issues in the house.

Water Pooling in One Space

If water pools on the concrete, that’s a sure sign that the surface is uneven. More importantly, it could mean that your drainage system is not working correctly. All concrete constructions are built with water drainage in mind because allowing water to stagnate on the surface could decrease the life of the concrete. If you know where the drainage system is located, you can check to see if there’s a blockage in the water’s path.

Uneven Appearance of the Concrete

Uneven appearance can occur on concrete that’s built both vertically and horizontally. A brand-new slab of concrete should be even throughout its surface. If this is not the case or if it becomes uneven over time, you’d want to call concrete experts to have it checked. Unevenness may be a sign of foundation problems, water issues, or just poor workmanship. Figuring out the reason is essential – especially if the reason is the last one. You’d want to be able to claim insurance if there’s a need to have the concrete reworked. If ignored, the wall can crumble or fall apart.

Wallpaper Starts to Shift

white peeling wallpaper
When your wallpaper starts to show some damage, this is a sure sign that the concrete it adheres to have some problems underneath. Fortunately, it’s easy to see problems on the wallpaper as there will be rips, ridges, or uneven portions that mark the surface area.

Doors and Windows Start to Stick

When built, doors and windows are attached so that they perfectly shut and open without banging on the concrete. When they start to do this, it could be because the concrete has expanded over the years or perhaps the floor or wall is sloping or leaning. Sometimes, the problem can be traced to the attachment of the door itself, whereby you only have to adjust the hinges. If this doesn’t appear to be the case, however, you’d want to consult a professional, especially if the floor appears to be sloping or sinking.

These are only some of the signs you could immediately recognize when concrete repair is necessary. Have an expert evaluate your concrete to ensure that even the smallest signs are noted and addressed before they become too big and require expensive repair.

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