Minimizing Maintenance: Effective Low-cost Ways of Taking Care of Your Garden

There’s nothing as relaxing as going to the garden on a calm spring or summer day while having some barbeque and beer with mates and family members. Taking care of your garden is also a great way of relieving stress while beautifying it.

But there will be times that we don’t have time for our gardens, especially when most of us have to work 8 hours a day, five to six days a week. While we’re at work, pests, weather conditions, and even diseases could cause harm to our garden’s ecosystem. What might have been a relaxing hobby might become a stressful chore.

On average, a garden will usually provide a homeowner around $200 (265 AUD) every month in maintenance cost. It doesn’t seem like a lot, right? Well, it might not seem like a lot in the span of 30 days, but that’s around $2400 for every year. With that amount of money, you could focus on more pressing aspects of your garden or your home.

That said, it’s only logical that we ensure we cut down on maintenance costs to our garden without having to sacrifice the overall appeal that we’ve worked hard on. So what are some ways of cutting down on maintenance costs? Here’s what you’ll need to know.

Phase Out Your Grass

It’s important to note that grass will usually take up a good chunk of your maintenance time and cost, especially when your garden’s lawn will be comprised mostly of healthy green grass. What’s a great way of cutting down on time and maintenance costs for your garden? Most older garden owners or busy homeowners that don’t necessarily have the time and energy to mow their lawn every two weeks would suggest having artificial grass instead. Fortunately, there are artificial lawn installation services that can help you install an artificial lawn properly and in an orderly manner.

Compared to your regular natural green grass, artificial turf does have a larger upfront cost of around $20 for every square foot. The amount of money that you’ll spend now will definitely be worthwhile, as compared to having to spend $2400 every year just to maintain your garden. This is a great way of cutting down on annual expenses, especially on maintenance. Plus, artificial turfs won’t die if you don’t take care of them.

potting new plants

Remove High-maintenance Plants

Since we’re discussing maintenance, we have to discuss the Pareto principle since it’s quite relevant to how you’ll be maintaining your garden. If you spend 80% of your maintenance time in your garden, it’s usually because of that 20% problem that you have. Most of these are attributed to the expensive and highly-sensitive garden (and indoor) plants.

If you’re planning on phasing out to low-maintenance plants, you can always sell your “needy” plants. You might have friends or neighbours that are interested in some of your plants. Some known rare tropical plants can fetch a surprisingly high price, as long as you know who your market is. However, many of these plants will require a good amount of maintenance, so you might want to look for buyers that are close to your area.

Don’t Drown Your Plants

A lot of gardeners and homeowners are quite generous with the amount of water that they give to their plants. You don’t have to water your plants so much since a lot of low-maintenance plants can survive for a week while retaining a good amount of water content. You’ll just need to water your plants enough for them to last through some of the hottest months of the year.

Most experts would say not to water plants during the peak summer season for at least a week. If you are managing your landscape just right, you’ll notice that 85% to 90% of your plants will still look great. This is a great experiment that will guide you through what types of plants will need more water than others.


There are different ways of maintaining your garden without having to make much effort. While you don’t have to place too much effort on your garden, it’s still important to give your plants and to landscape a good deal of consideration and effort. After all, your garden will reflect your own personality, and it’s what your neighbours will see.

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