earthquake damage

4 Ways to Prepare Your House and Family for an Earthquake

An earthquake can happen anytime. It causes minimal to severe damage to structures, nature, and human lives. After the shaking and tremors, there is also the aftershock, which is another set of trembles.

Earthquakes can also cause fire, landslides, avalanches, and tsunamis, among others. Preparing yourself, your family, and your home is best for your safety.

Reinforcing Your House

Check to see which part of the home needs reinforcing. Adding steel plates and bolts to your next home foundation repair may be the next best thing you should do. Just consult one of the reliable foundation companies in Denver.

Also, another way to strengthen your home is by adding braces for walls, chimneys, and other masonry. Look out for hanging items that may fall. Check overhead cabinets and shelvings for delicately placed items.

It may be better to place locks and latches on cabinet doors and add anchors and ledge barriers on shelvings, bookcases, and other items that may fall during an episode of an earthquake. Identify safe and sturdy places in your homes where you and your family can run to for safety from falling objects and structural damage.

The Family’s Safety

safe family

Identify community disaster plans, know the best evacuation sites, and ready the list of emergency number alongside your bag of supply. The supply should last for a week or two and should consist of food, water, clothes, light source, mobile phone, and battery-operated radio.

It is also essential to wear a headgear or something hard enough to serve as your head’s protection from anything that might fall. And as much as possible, stay close to each other.

The Most Significant Network

While it is kind of hard to maintain composure and calm once an earthquake is already happening, do your best to remember the people who can help you. Friends, colleagues, and most especially neighbors who have knowledge or connection to the safest places are the best people to communicate with during this time.

If you know someone who has proper training with risk reduction and first-aid methodologies, it will be a bonus. Making a list of these people alongside their contact details and keeping it in your wallet would be much better. At the end of the day, you do not really know when you are going to need it, so might as well have it with you all the time.

Staying As Calm As Possible

Whatever it is that you are witnessing right before your eyes, do your best not to panic. Your family will depend on you, and if you are alone, you will have a greater chance of surviving if you can think and move with enough focus and at ease. Yes, it is true that it is never easy to stay calm during an earthquake, so as early as now, even without an earthquake, practice being calm and avoid panicking.

With the right mindset, you can hope that you can survive an earthquake. Earthquakes are almost the same with accidents. You never know when will it occur, but you do your best to stay safe, and that is the only way to be ready and to survive one.

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