Cleaning the house is not an easy task. Besides regular vacuuming and dusting, there are other concerns that are a lot dirtier, smellier, and harder to clean. Here are some of them.
1. Pet urine and animal dander in your carpet
Acting fast is the best way to handle pet urine or animal dander in the carpet. Immediately soak a club soda over the urine. For the feces, scoop it up fast and follow the cleaning direction for the urine. You can also use a paper towel to blot the urine then, pour club soda on the affected area.
For old urine and animal feces, you can use the same method as above, and you can use odor absorbers that are available in the supermarket to get rid of the odor.
2. An old and dusty ceiling fan or chandelier
You can use your vacuum to clean up old and dusty ceiling fans or chandelier. If you do not have a vacuum, you can take the ladder and use a damp rag to pick up all the dust that has accumulated. Wash the rug thoroughly and for the second time, wipe the ceiling fan or chandelier.
3. Cooktop grease
To clean up any cooktop grease and grime, all you need is baking soda and a dollop of dish soap and create a paste mixture. Apply the solution on the cooktop and let it soak for about 30 minutes to an hour. Afterward, wipe it off with a paper towel, rinse it off, and let it dry.
4. Streaky windows
For a streak-free window, you can use one quart of warm water and half a cup of cornstarch. Sponge the mixture on your windows and then buff them all off. Your window will be sparkling clean, and the cornstarch will remove all static electricity and so it will no longer attract any more dirt or grime.
5. Smelly garbage can
You can get rid of a smelly garbage can by creating a solution that is made up of 50% percent white vinegar and 50% percent water. If it exudes a really tough smell, you can use a garbage deodorant.
6. Rings, rust, and dirty tile grout
For the rings, rust, and dirty tile grout in the toilet, the perfect cleaner is baking soda. For tile grout problems, home cleaners recommend using vinegar and baking soda. Create a paste mixture, and put it on the dirty tile grout, let it stand for an hour and then scrub the area. Rinse thoroughly with water.
For a dirty toilet bowl, add about one-half cup of vinegar, let it sit and then brush and flush your toilet. If there are rust and yellowish discoloration, add some baking soda over the discoloration or rust, let it stand for about half an hour and scrub it to get rid of the dirt.
However, not all stubborn dirt and stains can be cleaned by home concoctions. This is why professional cleaning companies offer services to clean tile grout, bathroom stains, mold, and mildew, as well as carpet stains. These service providers have the expertise in cleaning stubborn dirt and stains and use the specially formulated cleaning agents to get the job done right.