Creating the Most Beautiful English Garden This Summer

Summer is just around the corner. Although this year’s summer does not mean getting to enjoy the usual pre-COVID stuff, there are plenty of activities you can immerse yourself in. One of which is gardening.

Don’t we all love how English cottages look with their garden filled with bursting, bright-colored flowers? Don’t you want that as well on your lawn?

To pass this yet another idle summer month, why not get out of your house and work on creating a beautiful English garden just right out of your doorstep?

What Is an English Garden?

It was during the early 18th century in England that the English garden style came into popularity. In essence, it was a garden-style design intended as a revolt against the symmetrical, architecturally patterned gardens at the time or the French garden style.

Essayist Joseph Addison and poet Alexander Pope were deemed to be advocates of this English garden style. According to them, the natural wavy lines of nature should be left as is — meaning trees, shrubs, and plants, in general, should be allowed to grow in their natural shapes and design.

English gardens are distinct for their picturesque architecture. Its idyllic pastoral landscape offers a calming and sweet atmosphere. But to achieve all this quirky, whimsical, yet relaxing landscape design, time and dedication are needed to cultivate it.

Key Elements

1. Bright & Contrasting Plants

Old fashioned flowers like peonies, roses, hydrangeas, foxgloves, cosmos, hollyhocks, and daisies are staples to an English garden. Native plants are also good choices as they require minimal to zero maintenance.

Since English gardens are all about natural flow and shapes, get creative in layering the landscape. Combine bright, contrasting short and tall plants. It is all about being whimsical.

Working in a limited space should not stop you too. Use an assortment of planters. Mix and match various contrasting and bright-colored perennials. Need inspiration? Check out samples from Pinterest.

2. Rich Greenery

The element of “green” is always indispensable in any garden. Other than lovely, bright-colored plants, invest in various green bushes, shrubs, and grass.

If you have ample space, you can consider planting garden-ideal trees such as Snow Gum, Hawthorn, or Crape Myrtle. Also, trees provide a much-needed shade in your garden, completing that cozy look and feel of an idyllic landscape.

Watering plants

3. Statement Entry Way

A statement entryway plays a significant role in your English garden. Whether your garden is on an apartment balcony, a small backyard, or a huge tract of land surrounding the house, a beautiful-looking entryway gives a fairytale-like effect.

You can do this by adding a basic gate or entryway structure then surround it with vines and bushes. While adding aesthetic value to your English garden, your statement entryway helps keep your pets from escaping to your garden unsupervised.

4. Climbing Beauty

An English garden is never complete without those beautiful climbing blooms. Make use of those horizontal fences, pickets, arbors, and trellis to encourage vines and other climbing flowers to flourish. Imagine how lovely it is to see wisteria and roses thriving on your balcony.

If you want to add olfactory delight to your English garden, flowers such as sweet pea and jasmine might be the best options for you. Thoughtfully consider what type of climbing blooms and vines you mix and match. You do not want to overdo it.

5. Water Features

The water element is also essential in an English garden. With a pond, small birdbath, or an elegant-looking fountain, you help complete that pastoral, idyllic landscape you always wanted to achieve.

It is always wise to practice sustainability when it comes to gardening. Rather than rely on your main water line to keep your English garden plants hydrated, install a barrel to collect rainwater. With a proper irrigation system, you can save time, water, and energy to keep your plants watered.

6. Hedges & Pathways

Pathways and hedges make your English garden look neat and organized. Good material options include bark, stones, brick pavers, and gravel. Opt for natural and discrete colors for your pathway materials to achieve that free-flowing vibe.

Aside from the pathway’s aesthetic value, they prove to be functional for yourself and your guests as you stroll around your beautiful garden. Hedges also provide a bit of structure and formality to complement your natural, whimsical garden design.

7. Accent Furniture Pieces

Do not forget that furniture pieces such as benches, foldable chairs, and coffee tables help complete the look of your English garden. Never be afraid to choose bold colors. You will be amazed sometimes how a seemingly out-of-place furniture piece completes a picturesque look.

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and plan for that lovely English garden you will have this summer.

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