Woman relaxing by the window with a view

How to Stay Safe During Winter Inversion

The cold months can mean two things for those who live in Utah. It can involve lots of snow and winter inversion. The latter can be dangerous when it comes to visibility and quality of health. Don’t worry; you can thrive during this period.

But First, What Is Winter Inversion?

Winter inversion is a thermal or temperature inversion. When the cycle of air is healthy, warm air tends to be lower than the cold one. In other words, the higher the altitude, the colder its temperature should be. It reduces by as much as 6 degrees Celsius for every 1,000 feet. The temperature and air movement all create instability, which is good since it scatters the pollutants around.

Inversions, though, can happen in many different ways. An example is when the ground loses heat or becomes cold more quickly. In turn, warm air tends to be above the cold one. Another reason is the topography. The presence of the mountains and valleys can change the direction of the cold air. The mountain, for example, can push it down, so it sinks lower than the warm air. Usually, this explains why such an inversion is common in Utah, especially within the Salt Lake area.

Winter Inversion Tips

Winter inversion can have a profound impact on a person’s health. The warm air can trap the pollutants in the area, increasing the levels of smog. It can also decrease the air quality, which can be dangerous for people at risk of respiratory diseases. To help you cope with it, here are some tips:

1. Take Care of the Furnace

The inversion doesn’t change the winter temperature in Utah. It can still be freezing, so you can’t help but use the heater or the furnace. It pays to consider heating and air conditioning repair in Salt Lake City.

A malfunctioning HVAC system can mean the use of excess energy. It translates to more massive use of fossil fuels, which can further contribute to air pollution.

2. Know the Air Quality Levels

The state provides regular air monitoring updates. You need to pay attention to them. The Department of Environmental Quality has a handy chart you can check out. You can download the image on your mobile device or even print it for all family members to see.

Based on the guide, a PM 2.5 of 35.5 may already be unhealthy for sensitive groups. These might be individuals who already have respiratory conditions such as asthma. They can also refer to children, seniors, and those who are pregnant.

3. Limit the Activities Outdoors

Couple cuddling infront of a fireplace

While the inversion is still ongoing, you may want to schedule your activities accordingly. As much as possible, reduce the time that you spend outside. If you need to go out, the government recommends carpooling. It can help reduce carbon emissions.

4. Stay as healthy as You Can

Winter inversion can reduce the amount of sunlight. It may then affect how much vitamin D you produce. Ask your doctor if you need to take some supplements. This vitamin can help in increasing your level of immunity.

Winter inversion doesn’t need to dampen the holiday festivities. Know the worst times to go out, follow the state’s recommendations, and listen to your doctor’s orders. You’ll wing it.

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